All you need to know for a happy and healthy hamster
Welcome to Happy Hamster
We know there is a ton of information out there about how to care for small animals. Not every source is useful or gives the correct advice. Why should you trust us?
This project is brought to you by Tori Peterson-Keyser, an Anthrozoology Master’s Student at Canisius College. This was part of a semester-long animal welfare project to research the welfare implications of hamsters in pet homes. Tori identified the sources of poor and positive welfare and has made the findings accessible to pet hamster parents.
Learn what matters to your hamster
Hamsters have basic needs such as food and water, but did you know that hamsters need exercise and enrichment?
Enrichment is when we engage the hamster’s senses and natural behaviors to improve their lives.
It can be as easy as having deeper bedding in the bottom of their cage or spreading their food around their cage instead of using one bowl!